Learn a three-step process
for helping people
move forward in positive ways


Lyndon Wall Rise Up Seminar









Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm


Help People Past Their  Past 


In this half-day workshop, learn a basic process for helping people you care about move forward with their lives. You will gain insights into why people do what they do and how to help them.


 How you will benefit:

  • Better understand the core reason people struggle with their past
  • Learn a three step process for helping people move forward in positive ways
  • Gain practical strategies for breaking free from negative thinking
  • Understand the caregiver’s role in the healing process. 


Register by sending an email to 

[email protected] 

Copy the following into your email:

Subject: Registration for the  10 July Help People Past Their Past Seminar

Hello Lyndon,

I would like to register for your 10 July Help People Past Their Past Seminar.

My name is:
My phone is:
I am located in:

I understand the regular cost for this seminar is $149 and that my "Inner Circle" membership gives me a $100 discount. Thank you!

I will send you $49 by an Interact Transfer.

Thank you,



Most would describe me as a spiritual coach, husband, former pastor, and present leader of a non-profit. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from what others have caused us to think of ourselves and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of compassionate self-care, self-discovery, and unapologetic self-confidence.




"Lyndon, I've always enjoyed your teaching and insights."

"Insightful, reflective, encouraging."

"...the truths that came out made a huge impact and I will be able to walk in truth and freedom."

"Wonderful, uplifting, very informative, helpful."

"The teaching sessions were too short. I really enjoyed your insights and teaching style Lyndon."

"The sessions were "uplifting, encouraging and helpful, it has given us the desire to go on."

"Great session. Lot's of great info."

"So much good information to help me move forward and the knowledge that I can."

"The information was so helpful and well presented. I thought this would be my life of not feeling enough: with God's help I will overcome."

What sections were most helpful? "Truthfully, it was so good and eye-opening - wouldn't know where to begin."